Game Elements
Game Elements Reading
Reading 01:
The first thing I read was the Formal Element of Games. I liked the layout, it was like going through a slide show. I read the Atomic Elements of the game. I am most interested in making something with the player vs. the game system. Not because I think the others are boring just because realistically I think that would be easier to make and would go with my game ideas.
I learnt that there are three different types of rules, they are operational, constitutive, and implied. The operational and implied rules are very easy to get your head around but the constitutive rules still kind of confuse me but I'm pretty sure I get what the guy was saying, may need to do some more research on that though.
I also read about Sequencing, the game I intend to make won't be waiting for your turn, it will be taking action as fast as you can.
When analysing I should ask myself these questions:
- What challenges do the players face? What actions can players take to overcome those challenges?
- How do players affect each other?
- Is the game perceived by the players as fair?
- Is the game replayable? Are there multiple paths to victory, varied start positions, or optional rules that cause the experience to be different each time?
- What is the game’s intended audience? Is the game appropriate for that audience?
Reading 02:
This reading was written by Doug Church. Doug Church talks about how athletes, engineers and doctors all know complex language to explain different areas in their field and all game designers have is whether a game is "fun" or "not fun".
This is a really interesting observation, gaming does lack the language to describe why we love a game and why we don't.
Dough Church went into detail on why Mario is a good game. His main points were that Mario has few controls and they start you off with easy tasks until you get to know the world. The game is simplistic but effective and you never feel cheated by the game because it does everything its supposed to. You know exactly why you died and know to be more aware next time around.
The more control the player has the better, players get frustrated when games are too difficult and they feel they didn't have a choice, or they were forced to make the wrong choice.
I found this article fascinating, I lost interest slightly towards the end but I stuck with it. But the most interesting stuff was definitely at the beginning.
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