Time Strategies

Time Strategies I read The Important Habit of Just Starting by Jory MacKay and Four Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination by Peter Banerjea. I thought they were both very well written and interesting. Both were pretty similar. The first question in Peter Banerjea's article was What One Thing Can I Do to Get Started. Both of the articles gave advice on getting started. Procrastination is normal especially in today's society when we have hours of entertainment available, we can talk to anyone online whenever we want. One article said that we would rather consume than create, I liked this a lot because its very relevant to our time. We get satisfaction without having to deal with the fear of possible failure. I am a big procrastinator, I put everything off till the last minute. Like the article by Jory MacKay said I choose short-term satisfaction over long-term. I wait till the last minute to do something and then create something...