
Present Final Project

We presented our games today. We showed our game, Tiny Farm to the class and we got a chance to see other peoples work. I looked at Rob Byrne's Project, Chloe and Rebecca's project and Dani's project. Rob's project was a puzzle game. It consisted of three levels. You clicked on each puzzles piece and it moved, you clicked it till you though it was at the right position. There were 8 pieces. After you finished the level you went back to the menu page a clicked on the next level. The colours were nice and calming. The colours are suitable for children with autism. His illustrations were cute little monsters and a small background behind him. He made his game using Unity. Although it was simple it was effective. I really liked the design. Chloe and Rebecca's game was very well designed. They made a multimedia magazine. It included audio interviews and videos. I thought it would've made a cool group project too. They made their magazine on Adobe InDesign. ...

Final Draft

Bloom's Taxonomy  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Process of Cognitive Learning ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Introduction: Cognitive learning can be achieved through many different techniques. The literary review discusses the different techniques and studies being the idea and process of cognitive learning. There is no one way to achieve cognitive learning. This review identifies the results of different techniques and hypothesis used in studies on students. Discussion: "Cognitive Learning  is a type of  learning  that is active, constructive, and long-lasting. It engages students in the  learning  processes, teaching them to use their brains more effectively to make connections when  learning  new things." So how do we apply this learning method into practice? Bloom's ...

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography In class we brainstormed what we thought Multimedia was. Below is an image of our brainstorm. Coggle Mind Map My group want to make an e-learning game. I am researching cognitive learning. COGNITIVE LEARNING, COGNITIVE RESPONSE TO PERSUASION, AND ATTITUDE CHANGE. ANTHONY C GREENWALD DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS, OHIO (1968) It's a common assumption that the effectiveness of persuasive communication is shown through how the information is retained from the audience. Learning persuasion is based on on an analogy between the persuasive communication and informational communication that happens in a lecture. It is measured by the level of information that is retained during the lecture. However persuasive information is measured by the level of acceptance from the information. This paper sets out to establish the legitimacy a conceptive attitude change through persuasive commu...


This week we presented our game to the class. It was great to see other peoples progress in person. This week I helped organise the layout of the pages and I attempted to make the drag and drop for our game. For some reason t didn't work so I still have to figure to why it didn't.  Picture from our game The game is all laid out and clicked from level to level now. We still need to add a graphic that allows kids to know when they've passed the level or need to try again..  We will implement the audio in the next two weeks. I thought the feedback was pretty positive. We still have a lot more to do but it's definitely doable. 


This week our meeting with Shaun went well. For Thursday we will have our full functioning game. This week I've been watching videos on Animate CC just to get to grips on how the software works and how to use it. Video for simple animation Only half of this video was actually needed as the designs for the game have already been done. I started to watch a video where the game was made using html5 and java script which I thought could be cool because we already have some knowledge on HTML and JavaScript but as we are making a game for an iPad theres was no point in continuing his tutorials. Plus his voice was hard to follow and he wasn't the best at explaining what he was doing or why.                                        I am currently behind this week so I will be very busy on the game in the next two days to get it finished for Thursday.

MD2Final GDD

This week Nhu Thai and I met up on Wednesday and discussed what we need to do and how we would evenly share out the work. We decided that Nhu would do the Main Menu, the setting page, level page and level 1 and I will be doing levels 2-6. We explored colours for the main menu page using adobe colour. We decided on yellow, blue, red and brown. We wanted use bright colours to engage the users attention. Nhu and I weren't sure how to share our files between Animate CC. We decided to try just sending the file to one another and copy and pasting it into one of the projects. That worked so we we were delighted to know we could easily transfer files. We were given the illustrations this week and are working on implementing them into the levels. We also looked at fonts. We wanted something fun and childlike but it still needs to be readable. After looking through fontspace we decided to go with KidZone and SchoolBell. KidZone was used for the heading and SchoolBell was used fo...

Game Design Document

Game Design Document I'm in a group with Eva Garrett, Nicole Goodman, Robyn Mulhall, Nhu Thai, Marcin Grabicki and Emma Byrne. After doing some research we decided we wanted to make an app for an iPad instead of a game for the laptop we think it would be much more suitable for the game we want to make and for the age group.  We were inspired by Leap-Frog and Animal Crossing.  Kids are attracted to bright colours, we notice colours and begin to distinguish objects based on colour from a very young age so it's important to make sure the game is very bright. We will keep this in mind when designing the game. A lot of kids are visual learners and auditory learners, it's important that they make the association with the sound and word/numbers.  We are making a game for an iPad. The game will be an e-learning game for kids ages four to eight years old.  The game will be a mathematical game based on a farm. The player will be asked a series...